After it's Award Win for BEST LIVE ACTION SHORT at the Kids Video Connection Film festival, (Dis)Connected is an official selection of "Diversity in Cannes: Community over Competition"!
We are screening at the Cannes Film Festival and are a part of the program that is a reminder that diversity matters, representation is important and there are stories that deserve to be seen and shared.
The (Dis)Connected screening will only be seen at the festival and not online, BUT there is another chance to see the film when it screens at the Nickels Independent Film Festival in Canada (and online) starting July 19th. That is the next time it can be watched.
Please support this film by following the Facebook page: @disconnectedthefilm and check out the website www.disconnectedthefilm.com
where you can sign up to receive information about upcoming screenings, (Dis)Connected events online and in-person, ways to join in the conversation and to find out more about (Re)Connected: the youth program inspired by the film.

Evan Amaral with Kids Video Connection Film Festival interviews Director, Co-Writer & Co-producer Canedy Knowles along with much of the cast and crew of (Dis)Connected!
(Dis)Connected won Best Live Action Short at The KVC 2021 Festival!
A short film about COVID 19 and the BLM movement from the perspective of America's youth. Shot remotely during the pandemic of 2020, (Dis)Connected follows a group of young people through the fears of lockdown, the challenges of quarantine, the outrage of police brutality and the discovery that while they must be physically distant, when they are socially together, they are unstoppable.